Deadline for exam entries is 15th February!
Your information will be lost if you close or refresh your browser before submitting your application, please ensure you finish and submit your application before closing this page.
Information needed about you, the learner.
Title * —Please choose an option—MrMrsMissMsDr
First Name *
Last Name *
Previous Surname(s) (optional)
Mobile Telephone *
Home Telephone (optional)
Date Of Birth *
Email *
We need a few details about your current education. Please make your choices below.
Are you currently in school? * YesNo
[group PrimarySchool clear_on_hide]
Are you in Primary or Secondary education? * Primary SchoolSecondary School
[group PrimaryYear clear_on_hide] What year of primary school are you in? *
[group SecondarySchool clear_on_hide]
What year of secondary school are you in? *
[group College clear_on_hide]
Are you currently in College? * YesNo [group CollegeCourseStudy clear_on_hide] What are you currently studying at College? * [/group] [/group]
We need a little information about the course(s) you the learner would like to study at Alpha Tutorials College.
First Choice * Second Choice (optional) Third Choice (optional)
We need to know of any Disability/ Learning Difficulties or Health problems.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability and/or learning difficulty? * YesNo
[group DisabilityLearning clear_on_hide] Primary Disability Primary Learning Difficulty [/group]
Have you ever received special arrangements in exams? * YesNo
Do you need any extra support for reading and writing? * YesNo
Do you need any extra support with numeracy? * YesNo
Do you have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)? * YesNo
We would like to know of any current qualifications being studied if applicable.
Are you currently studying any qualifications, such as GCSEs? * YesNo
[group GCSEStudy clear_on_hide] Please enter the details of qualifications that you are currently studying *
Please enter the details of qualifications that you are currently studying. Ensure you follow this format - Subject | Level | Predicted Grade
I understand that the information provided in this form is necessary for Alpha Tutorial College to carry out its role in providing further education and I give my consent to the College processing this data for the purpose of managing my enrolment, the provision of education, training and support, and to comply with the College’s legal obligations.
Please consent before submitting this application * I declare that to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this application form is correct. I also give permission for any under 16s to submit this form with parental/guardian supervision and permission.
(*) Required Fields
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